Have you ever noticed how much money it costs to eat healthier? Have you ever noticed that processed food costs less than food grown from the earth? The worst one now....have you ever noticed that soda costs MORE than water??? When soda actually takes more to make than putting natural water into a bottle? I live on a VERY limited budget and its sadly cheaper for me to buy instant macaroni and cheese as well as tv dinners that have what LOOKS like meat (not too sure about that) than to actually buy the ingredients and make it myself. What does that do to yourself? Next time you go to the store notice what people buy and the shape they are in. Now just because someone is skinny by any means it does not mean they are healthy. A lot of people have malnutrition issues due to the fact they are not eating enough healthy foods hence the slender figure. There are ailments that are caused in children and adults alike do to the lack of proper nutrition as well as the intake of so many chemicals. I remember when I was little my Mom and Dad bought some instant food (their never ending search for additions to the food storage) and made me some instant mashed potatoes and gravy. Now to back up a little bit I had only eaten potatoes and gravy from scratch my whole life. The potatoes had a horrible smell and taste and to this day I still cannot bring myself to actually enjoy instant gravy as much as other people do. I became extremely sick from the food and did not eat until the next day. Now there are good, healthy instant mashed potatoes as well as good tasting gravy that do not make me sick but I still prefer the taste of homemade. I have always had a sensitive stomach and eating right and healthy is the only way I feel good.
Another one of my goals with this blog is to show how everyone can still eat healthy and affordable, especially when you are on the awful student budget I am on. I long to have a garden and land to raise my own chicken and such. I even dream about it at night! However I am currently stuck in the city and must make due. So if I can so can you!
There are a few things everyone can do even if you are in my position. Creating an herb garden as well as grow some hanging veggies is a way to start. In fact it is exactly what I have started to do! So please keep posted, my next posting will be on Indoor Gardening. Something everyone can do!
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